Writing a good INTRODUCTION will help you write a good essay. After reading it the reader should know what will be argued/ what you will try to prove.
When I correct the TEST on the VIETNAM WAR I will evaluate the introduction separately from the rest of the essay: 2 points + 8 points (body & conclusion)
A good introduction should
1- include a very brief reference to the HISTORICAL CONTEXT of the topic the IB question refers to (one sentence)
2- present the FOCUS/ ISSUE/ problem/ argument/ debate (one or two sentences) To do this successfully you should understand the IB question and take into consideration references to geographical regions/ historical periods/dates.
3-explain the THESIS i.e. what will be argued in the essay/what you will try to prove (one or two sentences)
4- SOMETIMES before presenting your thesis you might find it useful to present an OPPOSING VIEWPOINT (an interpretation or explanation that you do not find convincing)
Of course, the BODY and CONCLUSION should be consistent with the introduction.
What follows is a list of IB QUESTIONS ON THE VIETNAM WAR. WRITE INTRODUCTIONS following the steps suggested above for oral discussion.Avoid using phrases such as I think...I believe... in my opinion...
1- Compare and contrast the roles of Korea and Vietnam in the Cold War.
2- For what reasons, and with what results for East-West relations, did the superpowers become involved in the affairs of Vietnam?
3- To what extent was the Vietnam War part of the Cold War?
4- Analyse the results of the Vietnam War.
5- Why did war in Vietnam last from 1945 to 1975?