Dear 4th. A and B students:
The following are your assignments for classes in August. Please check the DATES carefully since they are not always the same for 4th.A and B.
Thursday, 6 August- TOPICS: Nazi persecution of minorities- Hitler´s foreign policy- Causes of the Second World War-
SOURCE: Walsh pp179-182/ 255-265. Read the text and analyse the sources. ORAL WORK IN CLASS: you will be asked to comment on the sources, to answer the questions on them found in the text and to relate the sources with the text in a meaningful way.
Walsh, FOCUS TASK p. 182- What are the dangers of totalitarianism? Do the task in preparation for oral discussion in class.
Walsh, ACTIVITY p. 256- Hitler´s plans for Germany- Prepare the activity for oral discussion in class.
Walsh p 257- Chronology of Hitler´s actions. Memorize it.
FOR 4th. A ONLY: Walsh, ACTIVITY p. 265- Why appeasement?- Prepare the activity for oral discussion in class. (You will also be expected to discuss the sources in particular 22, 23 and 24 . You should identify the position of the cartoonists and their arguments for/against appeasement)
Tuesday, 11 August. TOPICS: Hitler´s foreign policy and other causes of the Second World War.
FOR 4th. A and B: SOURCE: Mr. Crespo´s booklet on "International Relations 1918-1936"- Chapter 5: The Impact of the Great Depression on International Politics, pp. 76-85.
Though some students have been given special assignments ALL students should write a very short summary of each section for their own use and to help them revise for their next test.
SECTION 3 - German Foreign Policy, 1930-1935- Arias- Ferrara- Salaberry- Herrera-
SECTION 4- The Reaction of the Great Powers to Nazi Germany, 1933-5- Almagro- Siverino- Macchi- Gesell-
Thursday, 13 August- (same topic and source as above)
SECTION 5- The Abyssinian Crisis- Lalor- Viggiano-
SECTION 6- The Remilitarisation of the Rhineland- González Fabbrizzi- Molas
SECTION 7- The Spanish Civil War- Rojas- Rey
SECTION 8- The Rome-Berlin Axis and Anti-Comintern Pact- Buono-
SECTION 9- Assessment- D´Urbano-