Thursday 4 June 2009

Activities for 5th. year students


TASK I-Topic: The consequences of the Cuban Missile Crisis-

Answer questions 6-10 on T.E. Vadney´s The Aftermath. As you know, you will find them in the 5th. year booklet. Study the answers for an ORAL LESSON. Add a new question:
To what extent did the Cuban Missile Crisis reflect the globalisation and militarisation of the Cold War that started with the Korean War?

TASK II- The AIM of this task is to prepare you for the test on the Cuban Missile Crisis that you will write in our SECOND class. Be ready to hand in your work if requested.

(A) Read carefully the IB questions listed below
(B) TYPE a suitable INTRODUCTION for an essay on question 1. The introduction should be
a brief, clearly focussed answer to the question. Avoid using expressions such as I think... in
my opinion or vague meaningless phrases such as it made superpower relations more
(C) TYPE a LIST OF YOUR MAIN ARGUMENTS. Bear in mind the importance of dates, chronology and specific evidence in history papers.
(D) Do the same for each of the questions listed below using DIFFERENT SHEETS for each question.

IB questions:

1- Analyse the part played by Cuba in the development of the Cold War .
2- In what ways, and with what results, did the United States´ Cold War policy of containment affect Cuba after 1959?

3-Why did the Soviet Union decide to place missiles in Cuba in 1962?

4-"The danger of the Cuban Missile Crisis has been seriously overestimated" To what extent do you agree with this statement?

5th. YEAR- SECOND CLASS- You will write a test on the Cuban Missile Crisis- Revise all your sources on the topic (Walsh and booklet)

TASK I: Read "Case study 3:the Vietnam War" in Walsh pp.353-355 and the additional info. on the Vietnam War in the booklet. Prepare the following questions for an ORAL LESSON:

1- Discuss Vietnamese resistance to Japanese rule during WW II (1941-45)
2- Discuss the Vietnamese War of Independence from France (1946-54) Consider the reasons for French defeat and the division of French indochina by the Geneva Accords in 1954 (the ACTIVITY in Walsh p.353 will be useful)
3- Why did the USA become increasingly involved in Vietnam? Bear CHRONOLOGY in mind and try to establish whether there was CONTINUITY OR CHANGE between the policies of TRUMAN, EISENHOWER, KENNEDY, JOHNSON. You will find my OUTLINE on THE VIETNAM WAR in the booklet useful.

TASK II- Read Walsh pp.355-361- Read FOCUS TASK B (p.355)- Do the reading following the stages suggested by Walsh and WRITE UP STAGE 3-
Title: Why was the US army unable to defeat the communists in Vietnam? TYPE your answer following the structure suggested by Walsh: do points a-b-c-d- devoting two or three paragraphs to each point. Correct language and spelling.
Handwritten papers will not be accepted. Plagiarism will be penalised.