Friday 5 June 2009


Dear students:
The following TASKS are for the 4thA and 4thB students. You should type them and should be ready to hand in your work when classes are renewed. I will not accept handwritten papers.

TASK I- TOPIC: Nazi terror and intimidation.

READ "Nazi control of Germany, 1933-45" in Walsh, pp. 160-161. WRITE the FOCUS TASK p. 161 following the instructions which I have clarified for you below.

TITLE: Nazi terror and intimidation, 1933-45

Discuss the SS and the other instruments of the Nazi police state and explain who controlled each of them, what their duties were, what their methods were and how each of them helped Hitler secure his position.


TASK II- TOPIC: Why was opposition to the Nazis so ineffective? FOCUS TASK, Walsh, p.163-


(A) Work through pages 158-163 (do not forget to read the sources)
(B)You can use the info. to complete a rough copy of the table in Walsh as he suggests.
(C) You should also reread pages 18G and 18 H in the booklet- you will find some of the info. useful.
(D) Write an essay. TITLE: "How effectively did the Nazis deal with their opponents?
Devote 2/3 paragraphs to EACH of the groups listed by Walsh in the FOCUS TASK. Write 1/2 paragraphs on their reasons for being opponents and their actions. You will need 1/2 paragraphs for the Nazi reaction and an evaluation of its effectiveness. Do not forget to write an INTRODUCTION and a CONCLUSION.
(E) Correct your essay carefully and PRINT it.
